Изделия из камня (гранит, габбро, лабрадорит, мрамор) плитка, гранитная брусчатка, ступени, подоконники, лестницы, столешницы, вазы, балясины, камины, гранитные памятники от производителя


Приглашаем вас посетить наш склад в г.Киеве

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Уважаемые клиенты и потенциальные покупатели!

Приглашаем Вас посетить наш склад в г.Вишнёвое.

Предлагаем вашему вниманию  широкий выбор Мрамора, украинского и зарубежного Гранита, Оникса, Кальцита, Натурального Кварцита, Травертина, Песчаника

в слябах и плитке, со склада и под заказ.

А также, мы являемся производителями изделий из натурального камня любой сложности:

подоконники, столешницы, перила, балясины, колонны, фонтаны, камины, плитка, элементы дизайна, мозаика, розетки, скульптуры, статуи, декоративные элементы мощения...

Разнообразие цветов и структур не оставит равнодушным даже самого изысканного ценителя натурального камня.

Ждем Вас по адресу: г.Вишнёвое, ул.Черновола, 41

068 729 75 75 050 333 22 73


Декоративные элементы мощения и облицовки

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Частное предприятие Контакт предлагает декоративные элементы мощения и облицовки любой сложности со склада и под заказ: фигурная плитка, брусчатка, мозаика, лапша и прочее. Для заказа и дополнительной информации звоните по телефону:

067 996 49 93 (Киевстар Новая Боровая)

066 333 38 08 (МТС Новая Боровая)

093 535 28 94 (Life Новая Боровая)

068 729 75 75 (Киевстар Киев)

063 111 88 48 (Life Киев)

050 333 22 73 (МТС Киев)

или пишите нам на This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


ЧП Контакт предлагает изделия из песчаника любой сложности

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ЧП Контакт предлагает изделия из песчаника любой сложности.

Песчаник относится к категории декоративно-облицовочных экологически чистых строительных материалов. Широко применяется в строительстве для оформления, вертикальных поверхностей (облицовка цоколя, каминов, отделка внутренних и наружных стен, лестниц), горизонтальных поверхностей (плитка, рампы, тротуары, садовые дорожки), а также в изготовлении изделий (балясины, перила,ступени, тумбы, декоративные элементы,скульптуры и многое другое).

Совершенный материал для создания архитектурных шедевров.

Для заказа изделий оставьте нам заявку на This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it или позвоните по телефону 068 729 75 75, 050 333 22 73, 063 111 88 48


Инкрустация мрамором

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ЧП Контакт предлагает инкрустацию мрамором любой сложности. От небольших незатейливых узоров до великолепных шедевров.

А также изготовление изделий из натурального камня: подоконники, столешницы, плитка, облицовка каминов, изготовление каминных порталов, большие и малые архитектурные формы и многое другое.

About Company

Private enterprise "Contact" produces and imports of natural stone granite, labradorite, onyx, marble, sandstone.

State of emergency "contact" is in the Zhytomyr region, in close proximity to the majority of Ukrainian granite deposits, which greatly affects the price of our products. In the production we use the latest technology of stone that achieve the best combination of physical beauty, strength and durability of products. Granite tiles, granite curbs, granite steps, granite window sills, granite monuments, paving stones, balusters, vases, bowls, fireplace portals, custom fireplaces, fountains, sculptures, mosaics, reliefs, rosettes made of marble, moldings, base - that's not the full list Products offered by us.

Good things do not need advertising. This fully applies to the natural stone. In our modern world - the century of artificial products, man-made materials, artificial relations, is still a place for a natural (real). Because everybody knows that this heat can only give these things (parquet floors, natural wood furniture, natural plaid, real wine, a stone fireplace with real fire).

We always advise customers not to waste your time on the ease and cheapness of the imaginary plastic window sills, countertops and MDF-panels, linoleum floors, concrete steps, concrete paving stones - these things just will not last a long time, but very often they are harmful to us and our loved ones.

It's no secret that the leader of construction technology and innovation are the cottage areas of large cities, and so many of our customers today - it's serious successful people who have gone through more than a repair. So for many of these objects ten or twenty years ago were laid concrete blocks (in the extreme case of the cheap sandstone), ceramic tile facades and entrances, plastic window sills, tin ebb and as a result they are now massively repositioned, dismantle destroyed, cracked, spalled, faded materials for natural reliable and often granite memorial stone. So why was obtained to invest, work, force a blank materials? Do not make it easier to do once reliably and accurately? So trust us - professionals and take the right decision - make stone products from us.

Our favorite materials are our Zhitomir granite - they are not only the best of the best Ukrainian and world of granite, but very clean and safe. They belong to the first group by radioactivity, ie approved for use in homes and public places. While a number of Ukrainian granite, such as granite Tokovskoe (Dnipropetrovsk region) - not just radioactive, like the rest "nezhitomirskie" granite belonging to the second group of radiation, radioactive, having a very real examination at the third group of radiation (banned in the road construction without covering). Our company is fundamentally, not even looking at the big low cost of raw materials Tokovskoe granite and high profitability prerabotki it does not work with this granite - we value our customers. And it does not matter who the health of his workers and customers - even recycles and sells dangerous goods. But this is not our way to you.

The most popular Zhitomir granites are granites: Basil field Pokostivske field mezherichenskogo field Emelyanovskiy field maslavskogo field chovnovsky granite, Simonov field Buka gabbro, labradorite different, but truly king and queen zhitomisrkih stones are granite and labradorite Leznikovsky Blue Volga.

PE "Contact" is a manufacturer of natural stone, as in standard sizes as well as for individual plans and projects. Worktops, window sills, steps, risers, skirting with complex profiles, handrails, vases, cornices - today they are not interchangeable in any private home cottage and even an apartment. Facing the work premises; Manufacturing facades of natural stone, porches, countertops for homes, cafes, bars and restaurants, sculptural, and bas-relief engraving of the elements; Landscaping (fountains, rock gardens, walking paths, benches) work on individual projects ( paintings on marble and granite, sculpture, bas-reliefs). Manufacturing of monuments and gravestones - the stele, stands, flower beds with a variety of engraving works.

In the presence of a wide range of Ukrainian granite and labradorite deposits of various colors, marble, onyx, sandstone and we deliver on order from India, China and other countries.

Indulge in touch with the world of natural stone - come or call us and we will reveal to you the real world of real relationships and materials.

Our company is open to partnerships ...

Author: Alexey Stasiv

Our products

Types of stone